Physics in a Nutshell

Tachyonic Physics in a Nutshell


Light is energy.  Energy is light.  Quantum Mechanics is the scientific study of Energy Mechanics.  The Light Cone Chart is the scientific study of Energy or Light.  The Light Cone Chart is Tachyonic Physics or a Tachyonic Ontology.  This is physics in a nutshell.

John von Neumann. (1932, 1955, 2018). Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

This book, from John von Neumann is considered to be the foundational book for the mathematics behind Quantum Mechanics.

Read the following carefully.  What are they modeling with “matrix mechanics” and “wave mechanics”?  Don’t freak out.  You don’t have to understand the math in order to know what they are trying to model with the math!  They tell you what they are trying to model with the Quantum Mechanics or the math!  Look for it.  It’s there waiting to be found.


In order to obtain a preliminary view of the problem, let us set forth briefly the basic structure of the Heisenberg-Born-Jordan “matrix mechanics” and the Schrödinger “wave mechanics.”

In both theories, a classical mechanical problem is initially proposed, which is characterized by a Hamiltonian function H(q1, . . . , qk, p1, . . . , pk).  This means the following, as may be found in greater detail in textbooks of mechanics:

Let the system have k degrees of freedom, i.e., let its existing state be determined by giving that numerical values of k coordinates q1, . . . , qk.  The energy (E) is a given function of the coordinates and their time derivatives:

E = L(q1, . . . , qk, q’1, . . . , q’k)

and, as a rule, is a quadratic function of the derivatives q’1, . . . , q’k.

E = L(q1, . . . , qk, q’1, . . . , q’k) = H(q1, . . . , qk, p1, . . . , pk)

(This H is the Hamiltonian function.)

In both theories, we must now learn as much as possible from this (H) Hamiltonian function about the true, i.e., quantum mechanical, behavior of the system.  Primarily, therefore, we must determine the possible energy (E) levels, then find out the corresponding “stationary states,” and calculate the “transition probabilities,” etc.

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. (p. 7).

What are they trying to model with wave mechanics, matrix mechanics, or quantum mechanics?


They are trying to model or explain Energy (E)!

Paul Dirac did a mathematical formalism of Quantum Mechanics in 1957.  The following is from Dirac’s book on the subject.  What is he trying to model with the (H) Hamiltonian and Quantum Mechanics?

We call the energy (E) expressed in this way the Hamiltonian of the dynamical system in quantum mechanics, to keep up the analogy with the classical theory.

We assume that H(t) is the total energy (E) of the system.

One of these is the total energy (E) or Hamiltonian.  The (H) Hamiltonian represents the total energy (E) of the system.

The classical definition of a P.B. (Poisson Bracket) is of the same form as the equation in the quantum theory.  We thus get an analogy between the classical equations of motion in the (H) Hamiltonian form and the quantum equations of motion in Heisenberg’s form.  This analogy provides a justification for the assumption that the linear operator H introduced in the preceding section is the energy (E) of the system in quantum mechanics.

Excerpts from Dirac, P. A. M. (1957). The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (pp. 110-115). BN Publishing.

Dirac is modeling Energy (E) with the (H) Hamiltonian!  Quantum Mechanics is Energy Mechanics!  They are trying to figure out how Energy (E) works!

The Hamiltonian H appearing in the Schrödinger equation is a self-adjoint operator, so it is also an observable.  It’s the most important observable of all: the energy (E) of the physical system.  The eigenvalues of H are the possible energies (E) that the system can have.  Formalism of Quantum Mechanics. (2014).

The effects of Energy (E) are observable!  Eigenvalues are Energy (E) Values.  They are trying to model and explain Energy or Light.  Hopefully you can see the truth of it.  We KNOW that the non-physical (v >= c) exists by the effect that it has on physical matter or tardyons (v < c).

Energy (E) is like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  It will always be there to make its predictions or prophecies happen.  Energy (E) can assume any FORM that it desires – including a (H) Hamiltonian or an Eigenvalue.  Notice that Energy (E = ∞) is infinitely malleable and infinitely transformable.  If the (H) Hamiltonian is needed to make everything work, then Energy (E) can transform itself into it.  Energy (E) can transform itself into anything – including an entropic physical atom (v < c), a supernatural photon (v = c), a quantum wave (v >= c), an Omnipotent (T) Tachyon (T = ∞), Psi Ψ (v >= c), Non-Physical Spirits (v >= c), the Omnipotent Quantum Fields (E = ∞), Hyperdimensions (T = ∞), or a Hamiltonian (H).  This is the KEY to why everything exists and works right.  This is why we have all of this order, organization, and syntropy (v >= c) in this universe.  This is why the second law of thermodynamics, or nihilism, is demonstrably false.

Light of frequency (ν) has photons of energy (); where (h) is a universal constant (Planck’s constant).  According to this interpretation, the photoelectric effect is as follows. The photon hits the atom which is in a bound state.  If E0 is the binding energy, a photon of energy less than E0 cannot ionize because of energy conservation.

An assumption of the quantum nature of the energy exchanged in the interaction between matter and the electromagnetic field had already been made by Planck to justify the empirical formula he found for the frequency distribution of the black-body radiation. — Gianfausto Dell’Antonio. (2015). Lectures on the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics.

It’s ALL about Energy (E) or Light.  Plank’s constant represents or models the CHOICE or the FREE WILL factor within energy or light or tachyonic psi because Plank’s constant was universally agreed upon and is now universally enforced by Energy (E), (T) Tachyons (T = ∞), Intelligences, Psyches, Minds, Consciousness, Spirit Matter, or Light.

In the 1890s, Planck was able to derive the blackbody spectrum, which was later used to avoid the classical ultraviolet catastrophe by making the unorthodox assumption that, in the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, energy (E) could only be exchanged in discrete units which he called quanta. Planck postulated a direct proportionality between the frequency of radiation and the quantum of energy (E) at that frequency.  The proportionality constant, h, is now called Planck’s constant in his honor.

As an observable, H (the Hamiltonian) corresponds to the total energy (E) of the system.

See also:

These quantum physicists are trying to model, represent, or explain Energy (E)!  It’s there plain as day.  They are NOT trying to model physical atoms (v < c), because physical atoms are NOT the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  Energy (E = ∞) is the fundamental unit of reality and existence; and that’s what the quantum physicists are trying to model, or explain, or represent with their equations and their math.  I could do this for the rest of eternity (E = ∞) and never run out of examples.  Quanta are MADE from Energy (E)!  Physical atoms (v < c) are MADE from quanta!  This reminds me of the Obvious Law of Physics which states that the smaller dwells within and controls the larger.  Energy (E) is conscious, intelligent, perceptive, sentient, self-aware, and alive.  Energy or Tachyons dwell within and control everything else!

If you were to dig in and study the derived integrals, or the associated calculus for Quantum Mechanics, then you would see that they are running their integrals from minus infinity (-∞) to positive infinity (∞).  In other words, they are trying to make quantum mechanics or a quantum ontology an all-inclusive ontology or an all-inclusive model of reality.  They are trying to model the entire spectrum of Energy (-∞ <= E <= ∞)!  Nothing is excluded.  Nothing is denied.  Everything is explained.

With Quantum Mechanics, they are trying to figure out how one FORM of Energy transforms itself into a different FORM of Energy.  Quantum Mechanics is Energy Mechanics – the scientific study of how energy works.  Quanta are packets of energy!  Energy is Life Force, or Consciousness, or Intelligence, or Psi.  This is all you really need to know about Quantum Mechanics: they are trying to model or explain Energy (E).

These scientists and physicists are NOT trying to model physical atoms because physical atoms are NOT the fundamental unit of reality.  They are trying to model Energy because Energy is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  Everything in this universe is MADE from Energy (E) or Tachyonic Psi or Light – including the entropic tardyons (v < c), the physical atoms (v < c), the supernatural luxons (v = c), spacetime (v <= c), this physical universe (v <= c), the omnipotent tachyonic psi (v > c), the Psi Ψ (v >= c) in general, the psychic (v >= c), the supernatural (v >= c), the spiritual (v >= c), the non-physical (v >= c), the non-local (v >= c), the omnipotent quantum fields (T = ∞), as well as the quantum waves (v >= c) or the quantum mechanical (v >= c).  Energy (E) or Tachyonic Psi (v > c) is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  Physical atoms are MADE from Energy (E)!  This is an Energy Ontology or a Tachyonic Ontology.  It has been there all the way along just waiting for the world to find it, and see it, and understand it.

You don’t need to know anything more about Quantum Mechanics.  You just need to know that they are trying to model or explain Energy (E) and NOT physical atoms (v < c) – because Energy (E) is the fundamental unit of reality from which everything else is MADE – including the physical atoms (v < c).

You are probably familiar with the equation, E = mc2.

What was Einstein trying to model?

He was trying to model Energy (E)!

Einstein’s famous equation establishes the relationship or the correlation between Energy (E), mass (m), and the speed-of-light (c) – but Einstein is trying to model, or map, or explain Energy (E) and Light because energy is the fundamental unit of reality from which everything else is MADE – including the physical atoms (v < c).  E = mc2 shows that energy (E) and mass (m) are interchangeable; they are different FORMS of the same thing.

These quantum physicists are NOT trying to model physical atoms (v < c) or mass (m).  They are trying to model the Energy (E) because energy is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  In every case, they are trying to produce an Energy Ontology wherein energy is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  They are trying to figure out what energy is and how it works.  Einstein’s equation tells us clearly and conclusively that mass (m) or physical atoms (v < c) are MADE from energy.  We physicists call particles of energy “matter”, which means that “conserved particles of energy” are the same thing as “spirit matter”.  It’s the same stuff!  It’s ALL made from Energy (E = ∞), Tachyons (T = ∞), Consciousness (T = ∞), or Tachyonic Psi (v > c).  The math doesn’t lie.

Einstein’s equation, E = mc2, is the Perpetual Motion Cycle.  It tells us that energy can be transformed into matter and that matter can be transformed in energy in a never-ending cycle that we call the Perpetual Motion Cycle.  So, who is doing the transforming?  Who is making that choice?  Tachyons (T = ∞) ARE the Conservation of Energy (T = ∞) or the First Law of Thermodynamics (T = ∞) because Energy is Conserved (E = ∞).  Perpetual Motion exists within Energy (E = ∞)!  It is the Omnipotent Tachyons (T = ∞) or Conserved Quanta (T = ∞) who are in fact starting the Quantum Waves (v >= c) or the Psi Ψ (v >= c) in the first place, and then later collapsing the wave function into either tardyons (v < c) or conserved quantum information (T = ∞).  Energy (E = ∞) is infinite or conserved.

In contrast, tardyons (v < c) and luxons (v = c) are NOT infinite which means that they are NOT conserved.  They begin which means that they can end because they are NOT conserved.  We physicists call particles of energy “matter”.  It’s the same stuff.  Conserved particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing as omnipotent particles of energy.  The particles or the matter begins, which means that it can end; but the underlying Energy (E) is always conserved (T = ∞ or E = ∞).  Do you see how that works?  It explains everything.

Matter is born, and matter can die; but the underlying Energy is always conserved.

Who needs quantum field theory?

Quantum field theory arose out of our need to describe the ephemeral (temporary or temporal) nature of life (and physical matter).

No, seriously, quantum field theory is needed when we confront simultaneously the two great physics innovations of the last century of the previous millennium: special relativity and quantum mechanics.  Consider a fast-moving rocket ship close to light speed.  You need special relativity but not quantum mechanics to study its motion.  On the other hand, to study a slow-moving electron scattering on a proton, you must invoke quantum mechanics, but you don’t have to know a thing about special relativity.

It is in the peculiar confluence of special relativity and quantum mechanics that a new set of phenomena arises: Particles can be born, and particles can die.  It is this matter of birth, life, and death that requires the development of a new subject in physics, that of quantum field theory.

Let me give a heuristic discussion.  In quantum mechanics the uncertainty principle tells us that the energy (E) can fluctuate wildly over a small interval of time.  According to special relativity, energy (E) can be converted into mass [heat or entropy] and vice versa.  With quantum mechanics and special relativity, the wildly fluctuating energy (E) can metamorphose into mass, that is, into new particles not previously present.

Special relativity (E = mc2) tells us that energy (E) can be converted to matter (m).

Zee, A. (2010). Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (2nd ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

With Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory and Special Relativity, they are trying to model and explain Life Force, Consciousness (T = ∞), Psi Ψ (v >= c), Supernatural Quantum Waves (v >= c), Omnipotent Choices (T = ∞), or Energy (E = ∞).

Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and the Perpetual Motion Cycle tell us that physical atoms, heat, entropy, and mass can be converted back into exergy or usable energy.  Mass, heat, entropy, or physical matter can be converted into massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless non-physical quantum waves or photons by the psyches or the intelligences who are in control of that energy, mass, heat, or entropy.  Energy is infinitely malleable.  Energy can be converted into anything that its controlling psyche wants it to be.

The Quantum Fields are about life.  The Quantum Fields are Life Force or Universal Consciousness.  The Quantum Fields are the Perpetual Motion Cycle in action.  In contrast, nihilism or the second law of thermodynamics is about death – the end of physical life.  Quantum Field Theory and the Quantum Fields falsify the second law of thermodynamics, and our scientists don’t even know it, because they aren’t looking for it and don’t want to find it.

The Quantum Fields are about life and life force.  Life force has to exist somewhere, and it exists within the Quantum Fields because energy is conscious, intelligent, sentient, preceptive, conserved, and alive.  We NEED a scientific explanation for life and life force because it is an empirically proven scientific fact that some of us are alive and able to choose between two competing options.

Tachyons (T = ∞) are Omnipotent Particles of Energy (T = ∞).  It’s the same stuff.  Energy (E = ∞) is the same thing as Eternal Life (T = ∞).

I’m not making this up out of thin air.  The quantum physicists and quantum theorists want this information out there for the whole world to find and understand.  This message about Energy (E) also spreads into the seven main world religions because the Omnipotent Gods are (T) Tachyons or Hyperdimensional Energy Beings (T = ∞).

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light (E); and in him there is no darkness at all.

God is MADE from energy (E) or light!  We physical beings are MADE from energy (E) or light.  Everything is MADE from energy (E) or light.  Remember, Energy (E) is infinitely malleable and infinitely transformable (E = ∞).  This reality shows up in the Green Lantern comic books, movies, and series.  The Green Lantern can make anything out of energy!  He is God-like (T = ∞), (T) Tachyonic (T = ∞), or Superpowered (v > c).  Green Lantern is a case where the fiction matches with the reality.  You can make anything from Energy (E) – including physical atoms (v < c), photons (v = c), tachyonic psi (v > c), and quantum waves (v >= c).  You can even make a God!  By definition, the Gods or the Tachyons are omnipotent (T = ∞), omniscient (T = ∞), and omnipresent (T = ∞).  Tachyons are Gods.

Spacetime (v <= c) or physical universes (v <= c) are MADE from Energy (E), Tachyons (T = ∞), Quantum Fields (T = ∞), or Tachyonic Psi TΨ (v > c).  It’s the same stuff!  There is NO duality because everything is MADE from Energy (E = ∞).  Energy has no problem communicating with Energy!  This reality or truth solves the mind-brain problem that is created by the falsehoods and deceptions within scientific naturalism, scientistic materialism, or atheism.  This Science, Physics, and Math is brutal to the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, or atheists who deny the existence of Psi Ψ (v >= c).  Psi has no problem communicating with physical atoms because they both are MADE from Energy (E).

In Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Theory, they are trying to tell us that Quantum Waves (v >= c) or Psi Ψ (v >= c) are MADE from energy.  The Omnipotent Quantum Fields (T = ∞ or E = ∞) are MADE from Energy (E).  Quantum Mechanics is Energy Mechanics.  They are trying to model Energy (E)!  Einstein’s theory of relativity is also a type of Energy Mechanics.  Classical physics ends up being a type of Energy Mechanics because everything in this universe is MADE from Energy (E)!

You don’t need to understand the complex math in order to KNOW that we ALL are trying to model or explain Energy (E)!

The Light Cone Chart is a Tachyonic Ontology.  It is also an Energy Ontology!  Light is energy.  Energy is light.  What are we trying to model with a Light Cone Chart?  We are trying to model or explain the THREE MAIN FORMS of Energy (E) – which are the entropic tardyons (v < c), the supernatural luxons (v = c), and the omnipotent tachyons (v > c)!  We are trying to model everything that exists.  We are trying to model Energy (E)!

The Light Cone Chart is an all-inclusive Tachyonic Ontology (-∞ <= v <= ∞).  With a Light Cone Chart, we are trying to model the entire spectrum of energy (E) or light!  The tardyons or physical atoms are represented by (v < c).  The luxons or photons are represented by (v = c).  The Quantum Waves are represented by (v >= c).  The Tachyonic Psi or Consciousness is represented by (v > c).  Omnipotence (T = ∞) or Choice (T = ∞) is represented by (T = ∞).  The Omnipotent Quantum Fields are represented by (T = ∞).  There’s the whole of physics in a nutshell!  Everything is included.  Everything is explained.

When it comes to the pinnacle of energy, the (T) Tachyons (T = ∞), I find the equation (v > c) easier to understand than matrix mechanics or wave mechanics or quantum mechanics.  The velocity (v) at which a particle of energy is currently traveling, or functioning, defines what type of energy (E) it currently is – a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  It’s that simple.  You can make it more complex by transforming everything over to quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity; but that won’t change the velocity at which a particle of energy is currently functioning or traveling.

The Grand Secret of the Universe tells us that everything is MADE from tachyons BY Tachyons.  Tachyons are both the Builders and the building blocks.  In other words, everything is MADE from energy BY Energy!  Tachyons are psyches, minds, or intelligences.  While in their native original FORM, (T) Tachyons (T = ∞) are Omnipotent Particles of Energy (T = ∞) or (E = ∞).  The math tells it as it is.  No matter how you choose to model it or to explain it, we are all talking about Energy (E) or trying to model Energy because Energy (E) is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  Energy is conscious and alive.  Energy is infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, everlasting syntropic, and conserved.  At its primal core, energy is MADE from Tachyons or Tachyonic Psi, or you could say that Tachyonic Psi TΨ (v > c) is MADE from Energy (E = ∞).  It’s the same stuff.  It is conscious, perceptive, sentient, intelligent, conserved, and alive.

When it comes to the tachyonic (v > c), we can’t access it directly because it is foundational; and we tardyons (v < c) are NOT!  Just because we need the Gods (T = ∞) to do the tachyonic (v > c) or the superpowered (v > c) for us, that doesn’t mystically and magically make the tachyonic or the superpowered cease to exist as the materialists or the atheists claim.  Notice that the materialists, naturalists, evolutionists, behaviorists, nihilists, or atheists are always wrong when they deny the existence of Psi Ψ (v >= c), Quantum Waves (v >= c), Tachyonic Psi (v > c), Hyperdimensions (T = ∞), or Omnipotent Tachyons (T = ∞).  The materialists or atheists are right when they tell us that entropy (v < c), evolution (v < c), or tardyonic processes (v < c) exist; but the materialists, naturalists, behaviorists, nihilists, or atheists are always wrong when they tell us that Psi Ψ (v >= c), or the Spiritual (v >= c), or the Supernatural (v >= c) DOES NOT EXIST.  Their errors, falsehoods, deceptions, sophistry, and lies are found within their denials and NOT their actual Science!

Ever since I discovered Tachyonic Physics (T = ∞) and Tachyonic Psi (v > c) in June 2020, I have been trying to give the world a Tachyonic Ontology (-∞ <= T <= ∞) wherein tachyonic psi (v > c), tachyonic waves (v > c), omnipotent particles of energy (T = ∞), spirit matter (v >= c), intelligences (T = ∞), energy (E = ∞), life force (T = ∞), or consciousness (T = ∞) is the fundamental unit of reality and existence.  I discovered that Consciousness (T = ∞) is MADE from Tachyonic Psi (v > c) or Omnipotent Particles of Energy (T = ∞).  Energy (E) is conscious, sentient, psychic, perceptive, intelligent, and alive.  Energy is Tachyonic Psi, and Tachyonic Psi (v > c) is MADE from Energy (E).  Everything in this multiverse is MADE from Tachyonic Psi or Energy – including the tardyons (v < c) or the physical atoms (v < c).

A physical atom is MADE from a bunch of tachyons, a bunch of psi, a bunch of spirits, a bunch of particles, a bunch of quanta, or a bunch of energy (E) who have chosen to get together and ACT like a tardyon (v < c).  It’s that simple.

Scientists and physicists will lie to us from time to time, but the math doesn’t lie.  It is obvious that a tardyon (v < c) is NOT the same thing as a tachyon (v > c) even though they are different FORMS of energy (E).  The Light Cone Chart tells us clearly and conclusively that the THREE MAIN FORMS of Energy (E) are the entropic tardyons (v < c), the supernatural luxons (v = c), and the omnipotent tachyons (v > c).  They ALL have to exist in order for the Light Cone Chart to be complete and make logical sense.  There would be no way to tell the difference between the tardyons, the luxons, and the tachyons if one or all of these didn’t exist.  The scientific study of Energy (E) is the scientific study of existence, reality, or ontology!

Mark My Words

Tachyons Are the Fundamental Unit of Reality